Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Then it takes to Shelton for Finlay/il seam and blows give it hardly while Mike Knox comes down to the ringside and seizes Hornswaggle. Back From Break Shelton has a defect of the collo on Finlay. Then it hits a suplex dell esploditore and tries to the follow-up with Dirt" wage; but notebooks of Finlay. Knox enters nell ring once that Shelton before leaves and nails Finlay with a great loading of the system and a drop of the ginocchio that the mounts for some punzoni. Tazz and the JUNIOR one ricapitolano l event Jericho/di Michaels to SummerSlam and we obtain a video to it.. Breach. Finlay makes its to return with some clotheslines and the put sprayed one. Corneous leaked nell within dell ring, but it the enough long distraction of the S.A for Shelton to raise and Pay Dirt hit for the 1, 2, 3.

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